I Get That You Flirt With Me All the Time and Its Funny or Whatever

What was once a love letter has now become flirty texts for her, what was once a short face to face meet and greet has now become a Skype or Facetime call.

In this era where technology has taken over and is constantly being developed, so too are our communication methods with our loved ones.

Finding a guy that writes and delivers or posts love letters written by hand is rare in this age but this doesn't mean that flirting and romance are over.

Sending flirty text for her is a great way to spice things up in an ongoing relationship or to spark the flame with your crush.

Knowing how to flirt with a girl has always been one of the keys to successful relationships or dating in general.

However, knowing how to flirt with a girl over text is a skill all guys must seek to master in this century especially since a lot of our communication is done using technology such as phones and laptops.

Whether you're a guy that's already in a relationship or if you're at that stage where you're still wondering how to get a girlfriend, knowing what to text a girl or how to flirt with her over text messages is something you should master.

Females enjoy flirting, whether harmless or intentional. It makes them feel appreciated, wanted and it can boost their confidence. It also gives them a direct signal that you are is interested in being more than friends and wants to pursue them romantically.

67 Best Flirty Texts for Her - How to flirt over text and win her over (Animated Story)


7 Best Flirty Texts

Maybe you've been texting her for a few days and now you're wondering how to step your game up. And based on her reactions, it's probably getting increasingly clear that regular text messages from you doesn't definitively show your interest in her.

So here's the thing, to express interest you need to begin sending flirty texts for her.

This will let her know that you are interested in being more than just friends and want to pursue her romantically.

This is not the time to be shy or hide your personality. Now is the time to utilize your character, humor and every ounce of personality you possess into messages to signal your intention.

Flirty texts can be romantic, humorous, simple or a combination of these.

Here are 7 of the best flirty texts for her that you can utilize:

1. No matter how horrible my day went, when you smile you just made everything all right.

If you're looking for a way to let her know that she lifts your mood whenever she's around, this is it.

2. You're like a twister, you just blow me away.

This might be considered "cheesy" but it will make her smile.

3. Could you stop being so lovely? You're driving me so crazy.

Every girl wants to know that they drive someone crazy. Sprinkle in the compliment of how lovely or beautiful she is and it's a combination that she won't be able to resist.

4. I wonder how my life would be if I hadn't met you.

This is a really simple and great way of saying how grateful you are to have her in your life.

5. There isn't a word in the dictionary that can explain your type of beauty.

If there's a way to say that you're lost for words without actually saying you're lost for words; here it is.

6. Of all your beautiful curves, your smile is my favorite one.

This directly compliments her smile but indirectly let's her know you notice other things about her.

7. How are you still single?

Indirectly asking why didn't someone else notice all of her awesome qualities and pursued her.

5 Flirty Texts For Her Conversation Starters

Starting a conversation with a female over text is similar to approaching her in real life. You must be interesting from the beginning or you can be certain that the conversation will be short.

It's important that you know great text conversation starters that will peak her interest, grab her attention and get her to respond so that a great conversation can get started.

Starting the conversation with a flirty message is risky but it also shows that you are confident. Females tend to respond well to confidence.

Here are 5 great flirty texts for her conversation starters you can utilize:

8. I'm trying my best to fall asleep, but I just can't stop thinking about you.

Letting her know that when she's on your mind makes you restless and unable to sleep will make her feel special and wanted.

She will be interested in knowing more about how you feel about her.

9. I just saw the new picture you uploaded. Looking hotter than ever, I see.

This is a great conversation starter. Females take pride in their pictures so by acknowledging how great she looks will give you some extra points.

10. Seeing your name pop up on my phone screen makes me grin like an idiot.

Let her know how amazing it feels to hear from her. It will make her feel wanted by knowing that you value and appreciate her time and company.

11. I have so much to do, but I keep getting distracted thinking about you.

Acknowledging the fact that you have things to do but she's the one on your mind will definitely make her smile.

It's a great way to kick things off.

12. I can't believe what's going on right now.

This is clearly a vague sentence but it is great to spark curiosity. She will definitely want to know what you're referring to and you can take it from there.

Follow up with telling her exactly how she makes you feel.

7 Flirty Good Morning Texts

If you want to make her smile at the beginning of the day, sending a good morning text for her is surely a great option. Doing it in a flirty way will be even more impressive.

Sending a flirty good morning text for her will let her know that she's the first thing on your mind when you wake up.

Here are 7 flirty good morning texts for her you can use:

13. Ugh, I have a problem I can't stop thinking about you.

This portrays you as being frustrated because she's constantly on your mind.

Every girl wants to know that someone is always thinking of them. It makes them feel needed.

14. How is the most beautiful woman on the earth doing this morning?

So you've given her compliments before but now you're about to take them to a new level.

She isn't just beautiful. Now, she's the most beautiful woman in the world.

15. I hope your day is as beautiful as you.

It's a known fact that compliments rule. Wishing her a great day and complimenting her at the same time is a great way to have her blushing.

16. You were the first thing to come to my mind as I woke up this morning.

The general idea of sending a good morning text is to let her know that you're thinking of her when you wake up but explicitly making it clear that she's the first thing on your mind trumps all.

She will feel like a priority in your life and it will set the tone for the rest of the day.

17. Just the thought of you brightens up my morning.

Let her know that she's the one responsible for the wonderful mood you're about to be in for the rest of the morning.

18. I wish I was waking up to your smile.

This indicates that you really appreciate her smile and you'd like to see it often.

19. I bet you look beautiful already.

Here, you're indicating that it's never too early for her to look beautiful in your eyes.

13 Flirty Good Night Texts

Whether you've been communicating with her throughout the day or not, good night texts can go a long way. It can be used to signal that you're acknowledging her before you go to bed after a long day.

Also, if you've been talking for a while and it's getting late it can indicate that you're considerate enough to let her have rest so you're ending the conversation and telling her goodbye.

Flirty good night texts add a bit of excitement to the conversation or close it out on a high note so that she will anticipate talking to you again.

Here are 13 awesome good night texts for her that you can utilize:

20. I hate good-nights because it means I am praising the time you spend away from me. What I want to truly say, is that I can't wait to see you again.

Lets her know that you don't like when she's away from you and that you anticipate seeing her again.

21. I'll dream about you if you dream about me. Deal?

A dream is a big deal. Knowing that you want to dream about her will make her feel special.

22. Wish you were here so I could hug/kiss you goodnight.

Girls like hugs and kisses from their significant others. Saying this lets her know that you're willing to give her the affection she needs if you're given the opportunity.

23. You are the last thing on my mind before I go to sleep.

The next best thing to being the first thing on your mind when you awake is this.

24. I wish I was there to hold you tight, instead of just sending you this loving "Good night".

Wishing shows that you crave something that you can't have in this moment.

25. You are on my mind so much that I thought I would text you to tell you goodnight.

This is a good way of letting her know that the reason for the text is because she's been on your mind will definitely make her smile.

26. My face hurts from all the smiling I've done thinking about YOU. Good night.

This places emphasis on how often you smile whenever she crosses your mind.

27. You are turning me into an insomniac!

She keeps you up at night. She'll be intrigued to know more.

28. Trying to fall asleep…can't stop thinking about you.

Let her know that you're unable to fall asleep because she's constantly on your mind. She will love it.

29. If I was there you would find out what it really means to be cozy under the covers sweet dreams.

This indicates that you would be willing to hold her if you were given the opportunity to be there with her in the moment.

30. Still working away, but I wanted to take a break to say good night to the prettiest girl in my life.

Lets her know that even though you're busy, you still have her on your mind (plus the inclusion of a compliment).

31. Having trouble sleeping because I need to tell you I miss and love you.

A girl will surely take notice of someone who makes it known to her that they are uneasy or restless until they get to say that they love and miss her.

32. You are my everything, never forget that. Goodnight.

A simple way of telling her she's priority.

11 Flirty Love Messages for Her

Love text messages are generally used by persons who have already showed interest in each other and are either in a relationship or are well on their way into one.

Love messages for her are not necessarily full of the word "love" directly, but they can be messages that indicate how appreciative you are of your significant other or a reminder of how committed you are to the relationship.

Flirty love messages are just love messages with added spice. They bring spark to an already existing flame.

Here are 11 great flirty love messages for her that you can use:

33. Flirting with you over text is always fun, but it makes it hard for me to lean in and kiss you.

This is clearly stating your intentions of being romantically involved with her and not just over the phone or in conversation but physically.

34. Send me a picture so I can send Santa my wish list.

This is a clever way of saying that you see her as valuable and that you want her.

35. People around me must think that I'm really drunk right now because I am so intoxicated by you.

This is a creative way of saying she's alluring.

36. I don't think you understand how important it is for me to hear the sound of your voice every day.

You're telling her she's important to your life more than she knows.

37. I may not be a photographer but I sure can picture us together forever.

You're saying you want her to be in your future in a simple way.

38. Your hand fits in mine, like it's made just for me.

Using something that you did while together to suggest that you two belong together will always make her smile.

39. I never ever thought I'd like you this much and I never planned to have you on my mind this often.

This is a good way of saying that she made a greater impact on your life than you expected.

40. My life is perfect, but it's because I am with you.

Attributing your happiness to her will definitely make her smile.

41. When words aren't enough to tell you how great you've been, remind me to come and kiss you.

It's a clear way of saying you're always great and sometimes words aren't enough to express my gratitude.

42. I feel comfortable being myself when I'm around you.

This lets her know that you trust her enough to open up.

43. You've seen me at my best and my worst, yet love me anyway.

A great way to tell her thank you for appreciating you no matter your circumstance.

11 Flirty Texts for Her to Ask a Girl Out Over Text

Knowing how to ask a girl out over text is key if you want to be successful at dating because not every time your initial few conversations with a female will be face to face.

Girls like effort, so putting some thought into the way you go about asking her out - even if it's over text- is important.

Whether it's asking her out on a first date or even if you've been seeing each other for a while and just want to make it official it's always a great idea to put some effort into asking her out.

She'll acknowledge your effort. The more creative and exciting it is the better.

Here are 11 great flirty texts to ask a girl out:

44. I really like our friendship, but I was thinking… Do you want to make it more?

This is a clear way of stating that you intend to pursue her romantically.

45. Wish you were here. Next to me.

A simple way of saying you want to be in her presence.

46. Are you ready to be swept off of your feet anytime soon?

If she responds with a positive, you better have a broom!

47. If I were the last guy on earth, would you date me?

Taking things to the extreme to know where you stand is risky but fortune favours the brave.

48. If I took you on a date, which place should I choose?

This is a great way of testing the waters and to understand what her tastes are.

49. Would you let me be your genie for an evening?

Interesting question that has the potential for an epic follow up conversation.

50. I wanted to ask you out, but I figured I'd start by sending you a text.

Indirectly stating your intentions so that she will know what to expect.

51. Last night was fun. Can't wait to see you again.

Giving feedback from spending time with her and then letting her know you anticipate meeting her again is always a great move.

52. Can you sneak away for coffee?

Sounds like an impromptu date. Once she's available she'll be up for it.

53. Any plans tomorrow after work? I might just have a little idea up my sleeve that I'm sure you'd like...a lot.

Hinting at the possibility of a surprise is a great option. Women love surprises.

54. Can't think of a good reason to go out for a celebratory drink . . . but I'm sure it's someone's birthday, somewhere right now so we should toast to that.

This is a great and humorous way of saying that you're looking for an excuse to get together for a drink.

13 Flirty Texts For Her To Send After She Didn't text back

Here's the thing, the majority of people that have conversations via text messages do so while accomplishing some other task simultaneously. This means that there is a good chance that, at times, they might take a bit longer than usual to respond.

Therefore, we should have the mindset that she may not reply as quickly as expected. Or she may even be carried away by her daily schedule and even forget to respond!

Many guys get annoyed and begin wonder "she didn't text back, what did I do wrong?" or "she may not be as interested in me as I thought".

Sending a message is a great way to remind her that you're still here on the other end of the phone.

More so, sending a flirty text to remind her of this can spark some excitement and breathe new life into the conversation.

Here are 13 great flirty texts to send after she didn't text back:

55. Want to hear a question?

You'll definitely get a response to this. Either she does or does not want to be asked a question and she'll let you know.

Her response to this will determine what direction the conversation goes from here.

56. Do you miss me? Type "Y" for yes.

Questions are generally good ways to get responses. Giving only one response option is a great way to further the conversation because she might ask why you didn't offer another response option.

57. I likee you. What are you going to do about that?

Being straightforward is always appreciated. This takes it a bit further by not only stating your intentions but seeking out a response from her.

58. I'm so bored! Wanna go on an adventure?

Everyone likes a great adventure. This should spark her curiosity. She'll want to know what you've got in mind and respond.

59. "(Insert song) just came on my Spotify radio… thought of you :)"

It'll give her some music to check out (if she doesn't know the song already). She'll then have an idea of how you feel about her and everytime she hears the song she'll think of you.

60. I can't believe I tortured you with such a boring- ass conversation. Let's change that with a smiley.

Throwing yourself under the bus might be a good idea if she stopped replying.

She might agree with you being boring or she'll want to put your mind at ease by letting you know the reason she stopped replying (e.g. got caught up with work).

61. Wow! You're playing hard to get already? Aren't we moving a little too fast lady? We haven't even dated yet!

This is a great way to utilize sarcasm-based humor if she stops replying. Humor goes a long way in igniting conversations and she will definitely appreciate it.

62. Stop sending me mixed signals and start sending me memes.

Who doesn't like a good meme? Memes are great tools to add humour to conversations.

63. My dog wanted you to know that he misses you.

This works well whether or not she likes dogs. It's an indirect way of saying you miss her.

Also, it's a great way of sparking her interest since she'll want to find out more about your dog and if you have other pets or animals in your life.

64. I hope you find my willingness to text first attractive.

Here, you're saying that you're throwing my pride out of the window because you're interested in having a conversation with her.

65. Now that I've officially texted you, I'm going to be obsessively staring at my phone, waiting for it to beep, so don't keep me waiting.

This is a straightforward and great way of letting her know that you're interested in having a conversation and makes it clear that you would like access to some of her attention.

66. Would you rather... get your foot stuck in a bear trap or hang out with me this weekend?

You can utilize one of the classic "would you rather" questions to test the level of desire she has for you or your company.

The idea is to offer an outrageous choice versus spending time with you.

If she chooses the bear trap option you'll know where you stand. Also, it can open the door for a great conversation no matter which option she chooses.

67. Hey! Stop thinking about me so much!

This will either be viewed as you being haughty and could be a turn off or it will make her smile because it's the truth. Whichever one, it's sure to get a response from her.

How To Flirt Over Text : 3 Steps

1. Be Natural

Even though texting is done through a virtual platform, always remember that it's just another way of communicating.

It's not a way to try to be someone you're not or hide your personality. It's a way for you to let your personality shine even through and inanimate platform.

2. Be Mysterious

It's fine to dodge some details or answers. This isn't a license to be secretive, however, some things can be concealed or delayed to create intrigue.

Also, promise to reveal some things in person and it can help to heighten her interest in meeting and spending time with you.

3. Write Correctly

Ensure you check your spelling and grammar. Everyone makes mistakes but there's nothing worse than sending a flirty text and then realizing you misspelled some simple words or made some avoidable errors.

Communicating well is a great part of flirting whether it's over texts or in person.

Also, always be mindful of the fact that each person you interact with is different, therefore, the style of flirting used may vary from person to person.

More Steps on How To Talk To Girls

If you want to learn more steps on how to talk to girls, check out these other helpful articles:

  1. Stick around and we'll show you how to talk to a girl you like
  2. We'll also teach you how to keep a conversation going with a girl
  3. And we'll even teach you the things to talk about with a girl
  4. Also, if you would like to how to tell if a girl likes you over text, we'll show that to you also.

In Conclusion

Knowing how to flirt with a girl face to face is definitely a great skill to master. Especially when thinking about how to get a girlfriend. However, knowing how to flirt with a girl over text and send flirty texts for her is also necessary for this generation.

Flirting goes a long way with women. It can be instrumental when contemplating what to text a girl that you're interested in and can spark her interest in you.


Source: https://www.mantelligence.com/flirty-texts-for-her/

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