Cherishing Men From Afar Qing Guest Ritual and the Macartney Embassy of 1793 Review

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430 China Review International: Vol. 3, No. 2, Autumn 1996 Dali L. Young is an assistantprofessor ofpolitical science and the author o/Calamity and Reform in China (Stanford University Press, 1996.) mi James L. Hevia. Cherishing Men from Afar: Qing Guest Ritual and the Macartney Embassy of1793. Durham and London: Knuckles Academy Press, 1995. xv, 292 pp. Hardcover $49.95, isbn 0-8223-1625-0. Paperback $fifteen.95, isbn 0-8223-1637-iv. In that location has been much renewed interest in the historical significance of the 1793 Macartney mission to Qing China in both the Westward and China. For example, Joanna Waley-Cohen, in her contempo article on Chinese reactions to Western applied science in the belatedly eighteenth century ("Communist china and Western Technology in the Late Eighteenth Century," American Historical Review 98, no. 5 [1993]: 1525-1544), has revised before assessments of Qing dynasty blindness to world developments in the eighteendi century and has shown how these erroneous assessments grew out ofWestern technological superiority after the nineteenth-century industrial revolution, which was then read dorsum into the Macartney mission to Cathay by later historians and diplomats. This misassessment in Western attitudes toward China, Waley-Cohen argues, was as well due in part to the Qing court's need under the Qianlong emperor (r. 1735-1795) to reassert the "public Chinese attitude of superiority toward foreigners" in the factionalized domestic politics of1793 at the aforementioned fourth dimension that information technology avidly employed Jesuit experts in the arts ofwarfare for its belatedly eighteenth-century armed services campaigns confronting rebels inside the empire. Hevia's book continues this revisionist tendency by reevaluating the Macartney mission in light ofQing foreign relations and die development ofmodern European diplomacy. Cherishing Men From Afar explores Manchu and British majestic formations in the belatedly eighteenth century as the cultural productions of two expansive imperialisms with equally universalist pretensions. Their different modes ofpolitical practice based on competing sets ofhierarchical relationships and political claims betray, co-ordinate to Hevia, substantially different conceptual frameworks and signifying practices. Consequently, the Macartney embassy to the Qianlong courtroom© 1996 past University was not caught up in a simple conflict between a "traditionalist" Chinese tribute ofHawai'i Presssystem and a "modern" European diplomacy whose driving strength was an entrenched "culturalism" in the traditional Chinese political earth. Instead, Hevia suggests that the Chinese "tribute arrangement" model used past John Grand. Fairbank and Reviews 431 many others since has overdetermined the confrontation by essentializing it every bit an inevitable confrontation between tradition (China) and modernity (the Due west), thereby missing the specific historical challenges that a land-based Qing Imperium and a seafaring British empire each faced when they encountered each other for the first time in 1793. According to Hevia, the two modes of Qing and British affairs must each be unraveled in order to understand how the Qing framework for royal ceremonies ofguest ritual and royal audience and the British notion ofinternational relations interacted. In the process, nosotros larn how European soapbox on diplomacy between equal states was itselfa historical artifact ofEuropean global expansion whose naturalizing discourse of sovereign equality in effect legitimated discursive forms ofsymbolic violence (Western superiority / Qing arrogance) in 1793 before diplomacy was transformed into open warfare (free trade / Opium War) in 1839—an statement that of course derives from Edward Said's Orientalism simply is now redeployed in Sino-Western relations. We also see how the Manchu cosmopolitical gild for the production and negotiation ofimperial power was based on specific ritual and ceremonial procedures that informed how Qing officials would handle the requests of an emissary ofthe British empire. The forcefulness of Hevia's business relationship lies in its clear delineation ofdie ground for Manchu rulership in the Qing Imperium. In a realm filled with heterogeneous Manchu, Mongol, Tibetan, and other ethnic lords, the Manchu rulers successfully used lordship as the basis for organizing interdomainal relations and incorporated such lords nether the Qing emperor's claims to political preeminence. Ritual and its attendant forms ofceremonial behavior (i.e., "disposition ofbodies" via the kowtow, etc.) were the cosmologica! forms ofpolitical interaction between lords that revealed their inclusion nether the Qing and the negotiated forms of that inclusion. Accordingly, Hevia makes it articulate how the Macartney embassy to Mainland china was perceived by the...


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